Gordon College Volleyball Team was looking for a revamp to their athletic wear, both to fit the new brand style of the Athletics Department, and to update the team store for alumnus looking for near gear.​​​​​​​
previous season's logo (above)
initial brainstorms for the 2018 season (above)
final transformation (above)
The primary needs of the team revolved around having a logo that could fit a wide variety of apparel items, applicable to many surfaces. Specifically needed were two new practice shirts, a warm up set, coaching polos, and a summer camp t-shirt that remained consistent with the team's look for the upcoming season. The looks were also to be applied to other sport apparel items for fan use and brand awareness in the area.
practice shirt option 1
practice shirt option 1
warm up shirt, for practice and games
warm up shirt, for practice and games
This main logo was applied to a practice shirt, fulfilling the requirements of school name, sport, and the addition of the school mascot, a Fighting Scot.
practice shirt option 2
practice shirt option 2
The secondary logo, used for the second practice shirt and for the team gear store, was made to provide variety to the players and fans. Not only did the players enjoy having two, distinctly different, shirts to wear for practice, the team store benefited from providing variety to its fans. This logo itself remained consistent enough to the original to stay on brand, following school guidelines, and capitalized on the nickname, "Fighting Scots" — for an appealing insider feel.
summer camp 2018 shirt
summer camp 2018 shirt
Another extrapolation of the original logo was used for the summer camp, a week long skills clinic that the team hosted for girls in the community. The design had to include the full name of the College, and mimic the team look for 2018.
The last logo used for the season was a special request by the coaching staff. Following the lead of the Athletics Department, a crest was created specifically for the volleyball team (see below for athletics crest). The objective was to have an on brand logo that could be used for gear that couldn't accommodate the primary logo.
The new crest (pictured below) was applied to ball caps, shorts, coaching polos, and the traveling gear that the team used for each away game. School colors, approved font, and the Fighting Scots mascot were used to ensure brand recognition. Strong outlines, the addition of the volleyball specific graphic, and an updated silhouette were added for personalized touches for the team.
Applied uses of the personalized crest.
The newly branded gear was well received and had a positive impact on the team store sales. Players were delighted with an updated practice shirt look, as well as versatility, and the department was pleased with the updated style that can now be used to proudly represented the Varsity Women's Volleyball Team.
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