The above work was researched, written, narrated, and edited by me. The is the first short video in a new series for The Film Detective, which dives in to the careers and lives of early Hollywood actors.
Throughout my tenure directing Fandor, The Film Detective, and Lone Star, I came in contact with hundreds of beautiful films. Given the opportunity to expand my video editing and effects skills, I jumped at the chance and dove in, creating video promotions for our sponsorships at film festivals, such as SXSW, for our FAST channel programming, and for individual properties.
Please note that all videos linked are the property of the respective companies and I do not monetize in any way.
Videos vary in style depending on brand and use.

In some instances, I even had the opportunity to lend my voice to some voice over work - scripting and then recording before heading to the editing room.
Below is an example of mockup I did for Shelterbox. Though rough, it demonstrates my ability to work in AfterEffects.
More recent examples of work which show a greater variety of edits, including new skills, are available upon request. Due to proprietary reasons they cannot be shared in a public portfolio format.
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